Sometimes life’s journey takes us to unexpected places; new states, new adventures, new friends, etc.  It’s  no wonder that life can get busy, and soon you lose track of something you once enjoyed doing on a regular basis.  Such has been the case for me since our move from Washington State to Southwestern Illinois in late September of 2014.  I realized my blog posts have been rare since then.

Since moving here, we have traveled back to Washington State several times to visit family, to Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Wisconsin, South Carolina, and points in between.  Our favorite are the road trips.  There is something to be said about traveling in the comfort of your car.  Life just seems easier to navigate unfamiliar territories that way.  It’s not for everyone, but it works for many.

In the midst of life’s adventures I’ve found and met family I didn’t know I had due to my Dad’s adoption.  While Dad grew up an only child, he had TONS of family he never got the chance to meet.  Meeting them and sharing Dad stories, I think has become one of my favorite activities.

What about you?  What are some of your favorite, or most memorable life adventures?  Have you learned, or explored new things?  Our life adventures have the opportunity to take us to exciting places full of wonder and joy.  Don’t hesitate to embrace them given the chance.

Life’s Adventures
©Sue Anderson 2019
Sonshine, Silliness, Legends, Laughter & Love™