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The Distracted Christian

Not long ago, my husband Art and I were having a conversation about distractions. During said conversation he had we got onto the topic of diversity and how often times, we are expected to be accepting of everyone, while squelching our beliefs. He told me about an instance where a new hire from another country had started working with them right around Christmas time. In his teams quest to be inclusive, they hadn’t decorated the office for Christmas because they didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. As it turned out she LOVED Christmas and all that went with it.

I wondered in that moment, WHY? Why is it okay for every other culture to be accepted but not okay for our own? When did it become unacceptable to in an inclusive environment, exclude our Creator? How can we co-exist in a world that wants to exclude the very nature of our being here.

I am perhaps one of the most accepting folks. I don’t deny anyone the right to choose their walk, even if that walk doesn’t align with mine. I respect others view points, beliefs and differences. I am not okay with squelching my beliefs however. Is this new? Is this something that’s been going on for years? How does the distracted Christian then, gain traction in re-aligning themselves in the way God intended, while being His hands and feet to those around us, in the most loving, accepting way in this vast world of differences?


©Sue Anderson
Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!
By perseverance the snail reached the ark. ~C.H. Spurgeon

The Mask of Perfectionism

Ever feel like there’s a war going on in your mind? Not the military sort, but the kind that is like a negative fight against the positive thoughts you’re trying to think.

If you have ever experienced this type of war, welcome to the human race. You, my friend, are not alone.

Years ago I had a couple of friends who for all intents and purposes “had it all together”. I envied that, and wondered, like you probably do, “Why does it seem SO MUCH HARDER for me?”. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the appearance of “having it all together”, was simply their way of not letting others in on the fact that they were struggling. One gal, shared with me that “she ensured she looked perfectly put together on the outside, so that nobody would ever guess the amount of chaos that was going on inside.” It wasn’t meant to trick anyone, but it was in a sense, a mask.

I wondered, for the longest time, why anyone would feel the need to wear a mask of sorts. And then one day I realized that for years, I had worn one too and I didn’t even know it.

For me, being raised a child of an alcoholic taught me a set of coping skills. It wasn’t until I read the book “Perfect Daughters” by Robert J. Ackerman, PhD that I started to see the mask I’d worn. I had tried from an early age, to be “perfect”, thinking that if I could do so, then perhaps I might get the love and acceptance I so desired from my Mom, the alcoholic in our family.

Eventually, I found my way to acceptance of myself, which freed me to no end. I had to learn to embrace the person God created me to be; a person who could never live up to her quest for perfection. I had to learn that God didn’t need me to be perfect; moreso that He didn’t even expect it.

Was it easy? Nope, not even close!

How long did it take? That’s a darn good question, and to be honest, I’m not sure I’m completely there yet, don’t know that I ever will be, and I’m okay with that.

So wait, you still struggle? Yup! I’ve accepted myself, I’m okay with not being perfect, but there are LOTS of times that I still find myself picking up old habits. Funny thing is, I think it’s perfectly natural.

Wait, Wait, Wait! What about the mask? Well that now, that’s the difference. I think! Confusing right? Let’s put it this way. I’m more open with my feelings and what’s going on with me I think than I was as a child, and especially as a young adult. Simply put, I refuse to allow the quest for perfection to get the better of me. Instead, I try to recognize my strengths for what they are, weaknesses too.

If any of this resonates with you, if you’ve felt that burning desire to be perfect, for whatever reason, let it go. Just let it go. That my friend is too big of a weight to carry, it will weigh you down as it did me. Let the mask of perfectionism go.

Inside a giggle bubbles up, at the idea of these masks being flung off. It’s the giggle of freedom. Do you feel it?

Picture me, cheering you on as you let the mask fall to the ground, releasing the chains of perfectionism.

©Sue Anderson
Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!
By perseverance the snail reached the ark. ~C.H. Spurgeon

It was a cold and rather lonely day. The kind of day that makes one want to pull the covers over one’s head and forget, for a moment at least, that the outside world exists. Yet it called.

It wasn’t the duty she was used to. No, this was rather different. She was trying to inspire, not others this time, but herself. Feeling the call to inspire others was SO much easier she thought. How DO I inspire to inspire myself.

No, pulling the covers back over her head would not do this time, no matter how wonderful it might feel. Still, she lay there, struggling to get a grip. More frustrated at herself than anything, she threw back the covers and climbed out of bed.

Feet firmly planted on the ground, she rubbed her weary eyes, and headed into the bathroom where she paused at the bathroom mirror.

Looking herself square in the eye, she began the mantra she’d set aside long ago.

  • I am very strong
  • I am very caring
  • I am very lovable
  • I am very worthy
  • I am very entertaining
  • I am very valued
  • I am very compassionate
  • I am very intelligent
  • I am very inspiring
  • I am very creative

She repeated the mantra twice more before brushing her teeth and going about readying herself for the day. She smiled the smile of a person who is humoring herself, and wondered what this current struggle meant. Looking up, she said aloud “I know you’re up to something, I just really wish you’d clue me in!” Barely audible, she heard the response she’d heard many times before.

“All in good time my child, all in good time”

She sighed, shook her head, and laughed at God’s sense of humor… and timing.

  • Inspiring to Inspire… All in Good Time!
    ©Sue Anderson, All Rights Reserved 2019
  • An-ders-(S)on-shine, Silliness, Stories, Legends, Laughter, & Love™
    It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Ps.18:32
  • Life’s Adventures

    Sometimes life’s journey takes us to unexpected places; new states, new adventures, new friends, etc.  It’s  no wonder that life can get busy, and soon you lose track of something you once enjoyed doing on a regular basis.  Such has been the case for me since our move from Washington State to Southwestern Illinois in late September of 2014.  I realized my blog posts have been rare since then.

    Since moving here, we have traveled back to Washington State several times to visit family, to Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Wisconsin, South Carolina, and points in between.  Our favorite are the road trips.  There is something to be said about traveling in the comfort of your car.  Life just seems easier to navigate unfamiliar territories that way.  It’s not for everyone, but it works for many.

    In the midst of life’s adventures I’ve found and met family I didn’t know I had due to my Dad’s adoption.  While Dad grew up an only child, he had TONS of family he never got the chance to meet.  Meeting them and sharing Dad stories, I think has become one of my favorite activities.

    What about you?  What are some of your favorite, or most memorable life adventures?  Have you learned, or explored new things?  Our life adventures have the opportunity to take us to exciting places full of wonder and joy.  Don’t hesitate to embrace them given the chance.

    Life’s Adventures
    ©Sue Anderson 2019
    Sonshine, Silliness, Legends, Laughter & Love™





    To have a brownie or not to have a brownie? That is the question weighing on my mind.

    At one time, the only option for me would have to been to HAVE the brownie.  These days however I’m surprised to find myself opting out more often then not. It is after all, the healthIER alternative.

    It hasn’t always been this way.  There have been many, MANY years of my life when I was at a weight that no matter what I ate, I didn’t gain an ounce.  These days it’s a different story!

    The funny thing is, I’m actually enjoying healthIER eating.  Do I still have a brownie craving? Of course I do! Do I ever give in? I’d be lying if I said no…  

    There’s a Bakery near me that makes brownies that are to die for. Before I started the “healthIER” journey, I would stop in on a Friday, and leave with 4 in a box… 2 for me, 2 for my hubby.  Of course I had to have one for the road, so I’d buy 5.  Last Saturday I was in the area, and it’s been awhile, I’ve done really good, so I decided to reward myself… I bought just ONE.  

    It’s not the easiest journey, but I’m happy to report, I’m on the winning end. It’s a GREAT day to not have a brownie!

    ©Sue Anderson

    I could have SWORN I heard those precise words in a song at some point, so imagine my surprise when I did a search and came up with nothing but sunshine, lollipops and rainbows! I can hear it in my head sung by a guy, not Leslie Gore.

    Feeling determined, I searched for Hillbilly music. I batted a thousand there, though I did find out a lot about Hillbilly music! I went on to search for the words Sunshine & Hillbilly music & came up with a great list of Happy songs about Sunshine. I’m going to have to go back to that list when I’m done!! Oh what a HAPPY list that was!!

    I’m past the lollipop stage, so I decided to forgo that as a search & decided to do a search for songs containing the words “Hillbilly Music”.

    I don’t know HOW I ended up with “Hillbilly Rock”, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I think I’m going to have to add that song to my road trip playlist. The next song I found was titled “Guitars, Cadillacs”. I froze!

    Words to the song played in my head and I thought NO WAY! I can’t have remembered the song wrong! Could I have?? I clicked play, and was swept away. Aside from the words, it was exactly how I remembered it. I really think they got the words wrong, it couldn’t possibly have been me! Regardless, I’m adding it to my road trip playlist anyway.

    I wonder if iTunes will let me change the title on my iPhone to Sonshine, Lollipops and Hillbilly Music, cause I may lose my rememberer again! Perhaps I’ll find a way to do a voice over with the correct words. That’ll learn ‘em!! 😀

    Sonshine, Lollipops, & Hillbilly Music 😉

    Sonshine, Lollipops and, Hillbilly Music
    ©Sue Anderson, 2015
    Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!

    In December 2011 my husband and I made a cross-country drive from Seattle to Southern Illinois to be of support to my Mom during a very difficult time. Having grown up in Chicago, my family spent many a summer in Southern Illinois where my Mom grew up, my Aunt’s & cousins lived, yada, yada.. 🙂

    I remembered those summers with fondness, though there were many other aspects of my childhood I did not remember fondly at all. Can you relate?

    During that trip, Art & I began dreaming… “Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to move here”. Traffic, was a breeze, the area had a country feel, someone asked for my autograph at Walgreens… (REALLY! It was cool!) It felt homey.

    We made another cross-country drive the next year, just because it felt right & we had the time available. Not long after our return to Washington, Art came home from work one day and said…. There’s talk of people possibly getting transferred to Charleston, South Carolina”. I thought COOL! That would be closer anyhow! I started looking online at homes in that area. Despite the continued talk, Art believed it “was just a rumor”. I kept dreaming.

    In May of 2013, I attended a celebration at Art’s work for his 25 year anniversary with the company. His supervisor who I’d met during our last trip was in attendance. He said something to the effect of, “I don’t think South Carolina’s going to happen”. I expressed my disappointment while he went on to say, “but I would love to have Art in Saint Louis.” I was overjoyed! If that happened, we COULD live in Southern Illinois! Once again I began searching the internet for houses in our hopeful new area.

    I love how Facebook has the “on this day” feature, keeping memories for you. I was scrolling through today’s & came upon the following that I’d written 2 years ago.

    “Had way too much fun today dreaming and drooling over houses that have room for dreams to happen… with especially roomy kitchens & stuff.

    Will likely have LOTS more time to dream & drool before anything official happens, so for the moment, I’ma gonna close my eyes & dream with my eyes closed cause its way past my bedtime!! G’nite!! 🙂 “

    In March 2014, Art’s supervisor officially asked him to consider a relocation to St. Louis. We talked, I squealed, we waited for the red tape to clear & oddly enough almost a year later to the day of the aforementioned Facebook post we were in the midst our Home-Finding trip.

    Looking back I know that God led us on an incredible journey. We did relocate and find a home in Southern Illinois that is to us, dream worthy. There are so many amazing things that have happened since we’ve been here. Even dreams come with obstacles, but who says dreams don’t come true?!! Obviously they do. They really, really do! So keep dreamin, if it’s meant to be, it most assuredly will.

    Who Says Dreams Don’t Come True?
    ©Sue Anderson, 2015
    Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!

    There isn’t a day that goes by which doesn’t at some point find me listening to music, even if it happens to be the sound of my own voice singing zippity-doo-dah!

    I LOVE music.  I LIVE music. I BREATHE music.  I DREAM music.  Yes, I sing in my sleep…  doesn’t everybody? 😉

    I’ve been known to burst out in song based on what someone has said…  This sometimes has a desired effect of getting a sing-a-long to a variety of word bursted melodies started.  Yes, I’m crazy, and it sure is FUN!

    I’ve got the music in me,
    I’ve got the music in me,
    I’ve got the music in ME

    Song after song plays in my head throughout the day…  even as I right this…  How can I NOT have the music in me.  Music is a natural anti-depressant.  Turn up those good ole tunes & I’m a happy camper…  Even the Hokey Pokey gets me turned around….  and I LIVE to get others to join in!!

    Who’s ready to put their right foot in?  I’ve got the music in me….  and I’m singing and dancing the day away!

    I’ve Got the Music in Me
    ©Sue Anderson, 2015
    Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!

    Are you one of those people who find joy in the simple things? Or is it really difficult for you to find joy?

    Some folks struggle. I for the most part don’t, but there have been times where the word struggle in relation to finding joy, was an understatement.

    What changed for me, was my perseverance and determination towards finding joy even, in the struggle. It’s no easy feat, but the end result is well worth it.

    So how DOES one find joy in the struggles of life? It’s all about perspective really. Changing my thoughts from “Why is this happening” to “What do I need to learn from this experience” is key.

    That said, the struggles of life still persist. Sometimes they seem stronger than I. Sometimes they seem stronger than my perseverance, than my determination. Those moments can be overwhelming. Unbearably so, and yet, having been down this road before and come out stronger on the other side, I faithfully battle it out waiting for that joy to break through. And it does.

    I’ve got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy,
    Down in my heart *where?*
    Down in my heart *where?*
    Down in my heart
    I’ve got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy
    Down in my heart *where?*
    Down in my heart to stay!

    Where is your joy hiding?? Are you faithfully & determinedly persistent in seeking it?

    Joy, Just Joy!
    ©Sue Anderson, 2015
    Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!

    Will Wonders Never Cease?

    I’ve been thinking about that phrase a LOT lately (will wonders never cease) & I gotta tell ya, it started to really baffle me today.

    Think about it, how many times have those words followed something that went from a negative to a positive?

    As I pondered today, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if the Wonders that Never Cease are the simple things that happen everyday that we just can’t help but wonder about?”  For instance….  I wonder why the sky is blue….  it is after all a wonder that will never cease isn’t it?

    I sit here a little bemused, thinking of other wonders that will never cease.  It’s a good feeling, Will wonders never cease?!

    Will Wonders Never Cease
    ©Sue Anderson, 2015
    Certifiably Silly & Positively Amazing TOO!